Researchers and Clinicians united

to restore vision.

Single Cell Genomics Platform

Head: Simone Picelli

Single-cell technologies enable the analysis of thousands of single cells in just one experiment, generating an unprecedented amount of data. The field is less than ten years old; new methods and algorithms for data analysis are being published almost every week.

IOB is setting up a state-of-the-art Single-Cell Genomics Facility. It will provide IOB clinicians and basic researchers with guidance, support and advice for implementing single-cell sequencing technologies in their current and future projects. This platform offers the latest technologies, which  help researchers and clinicians at IOB understand the fundamental molecular mechanisms in healthy and diseased individuals.

The platform has ambitious objectives:

  • Develop new single-cell methods to improve data quality, increase the throughput and reduce costs
  • Set up spatial transcriptomics methods, a new technique that allows researchers to measure precisely the expression of each gene in the tissue context, and Implement “multi-omics” methods, for the simultaneous analysis of RNA, proteins, chromatin states and epigenetic modifications.

Group Members

Head: Simone Picelli

Vincent Hahaut- Post doc

Sara Crausaz - Reseacrh assistant 

Mariana Ribeiro - Research associate 

Rebecca Siwicki - Research assistant




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