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IOB-Researchers invited to the Ryan Initiative for Macular Research Meeting


The annual Stephen J. Ryan Initiative for Macular Research (RIMR) Conference invites recognized researchers from diverse fields to discuss critical challenges and opportunities in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) research. This multidisciplinary conference aims to generate new ideas to overcome obstacles in AMD research by offering a unique focus group-based format.

This year, the meeting was held March 28-30 in Irvine, California, and the RIMR Board of Directors invited two researchers from the Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel (IOB):

Caroline Klaver, Head of the Genetic Epidemiology of Ophthalmic Diseases Research Group at IOB, represented the IOB’s ongoing research efforts in the RIMR ‘Omics: Epigenetics, Metabolomics, Proteomics, Genomics’ focus group.

Maximilian Pfau, Head of the Visual Neurophysiology Platform at IOB, was the only European to receive one of the eight Hinton scholarships offered. This scholarship in memory of David R. Hinton, MD, FARVO, was established this year to enable early career scientists in the field of vision to attend the RIMR conference. Maximilian Pfau participated in the focus group "New Therapeutic Approaches/Pathway to the Clinic."

Read more about the conference here:

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